Velünk: 6650 napja
Ma olvastam valami teljesen zavaros listát hogy hogyan vándorolt a gyártás már mindenhol a távolkeleten, követhetetlen....egy biztos, létezett olyan buddy club felni amin az öntvényben benne van hogy Kosei. I think Kosei is Chinese/Phillipines brand. HISTORY 1950 KOSEI CHUZO KIGYOU KUMIAI was founded 1954 The company name was changed to KOSEI CHUZO CO., LTD. 1964 The company name was changed to KOSEI ALUMINUM CO., LTD. 1976 Started the Aluminum Wheel Production 1987 Established the Turn-Table ( T/T ) system of casting for flexible production 1990 Started the Fukui-Plant to make the aluminum wheel 1993 Started the operation of Yantai Kosei in China 1994 Started the operation of KPI in Philippines 1998 Registered the Certification of ISO 9001 2000 Started the Painting operation of KCC in Thailand 2002 Established a Joint Venture in Shanghai,China ( WALPAX-KOSEI ) 2002 Started the Full-Process operation of KCC in Thailand 2002 Registered the Certification of ISO 14001 2003 Started the operation of KTS in Thailand 2003 Started the operation of KKA in China